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2016 FH Global Summit Pioneer Awardee - Nobel Laureates Michael Brown, MD & Joseph Goldstein, MD
"We share the excitement of each breakthrough" Michael Brown, Nobel Laureate
"There's definitely a thrill of discovery" Joseph Goldstein, Nobel Laureate
"Be prepared to be surprised" Nobel Laureate Michael Brown
Brown and Goldstein (U Texas Southwestern): The Joys of Collaboration
Managing partnerships: Nobel Laureates Goldstein and Brown discuss their methods
TAMEST 2020: Nobel Laureates Panel Turning Basic Research into New Therapies
Why I Give - Dr. Michael Brown
Don't rely on the external world to provide your reward - Michael Brown's advice for scientists
Why I Give - Dr. Michael Brown
Why Science Prizes? - Michael Brown - 12th Annual APSA Meeting Lasker-APSA Lecture
When Color Constancy Goes Wrong: Correcting Improperly White-Balanced Images